
I question. Here are some of them that fortunately got recorded before I got too distracted again.

Also see: Alexey Guzey’s Research Ideas, Gwern’s Open Questions, Patrick Collison’s Questions, Kshitij Khandelwal’s Questions, Awais Ahmed’s Curiosity.

If you have questions, I would love to try to answer them. Please reach out.

Does our existence matters to the universe as the existence of the insects matter to the humans?

  • Humans are cosmic insects.
  • What if universe is:
    • A Karen: No. We do not exist for the universe.
    • An entomologist: Yes. Then, it becomes interesting on so many levels.

What is more important: individual or society?

Apparently, there’s a intricate dance between the two to elevate and evolve one another. But then, who is more important?

Last Updated: 2024-05-09