What does and doesn't drive me?

- 1 min

This is an eternal work-in-progress document.

What drives me?

I don’t know, honestly. I have an extremely vague sense/list of things that I would like to accomplish but there is nothing definitive that will keep me busy for the entirely of my life.

What doesn’t drive me?

Fame: I would love to be anonymous as a person. I want my work to be so widely used and so commonplace that the fact that it is tied to me (or any person for that matter) is irreverent. I want to change lives through whatever I do and not as a mere human figure (hope that makes some sense).

Money: As long as I can make my ends meet and work on the things that are important to me and the world without any compromise, I am happy and satisfied. I do not wish to inherent anything of mere monetary value and I do not wish to leave any inheritance of mere monetary value. Money is a means to the end, and not the end.

Last Updated: 2024-05-05